Surrounding space of infinite sky
Eagle glides with broad wingspan
Such sights will make us question why
For a freed state we scheme and plan
For this ideal prepared to die
Freedom’s cry above all placed
Yet every step brings captive’s cry
As more bonds and threats are faced
But eagle’s graceful flights are made
So sharp eagle eye can target food
Anxious for chicks from eggs it laid
Restless to feed its hungry brood
If we are free but know it not
We too will hope to gain a flight
Accepting our imprisoned lot
Freedom is far and not in sight
Full free we are and perfect soul
Our mental flights will tell us so
No need to search just play the role
Blissful as scenes come and go
O Lord let me only be captive to Thee. Reveal my heart to be the imprisoned splendour. Untangle me through Thy Divine Grace.