On Africa’s dry grasslands and plains
Beasts search above for signs of rains
They yearn for days when holes were filled
They drank and splashed as water spilled
In oceans of blue that are glistening from
The dappled light plays of the father sun
Warm rays lift mists from seas and select
Pure water in gathering clouds to collect
Darkening skies around suddenly appear
Soon rumbling and tumbling drops are here
Rapturous quenching in cool nectar clean
As rivers beds fill and grasses turn green
Thought too has its cyclical dramatic play
They too get evaporated in same way
Condensing as scenery and events today
Writing script with what you think and say
Let noble sentiments and thoughts arise
Let painful ones meet their demise
Make for all blessing garland flowers
Raining on every creature loving showers
O Lord of Mind, when selfish thoughts come to me, fill this mind with generosity and love and make it an open channel for Thy Grace to flow like a flood of goodness everywhere.