Cheerful chirping songs of praise
Greet growing glowing solar rays
Shy red orb over blankets peep
Stirring earth from restful sleep
Fully dressed bursts forth in gold
With generous arms a thousand-fold
Fire whirl and dance in fused array
Proclaimed by earth as glorious day
This shining celestial radiant face
That eclipses every darkened place
Is lit and stoked from deep within
By self-lit Lord royally enthroned
One who ignites the cosmic fire
Surrounded by an angels’ choir
That raises energy and breath
Is ruler over life and death
The Cosmic Egg, the Surya Lord
All tell of Birth and Logos Word
Elation felt in well found creed
The Lord is risen - He is risen indeed!
O Lord let me always feel the rising breathless elation of Thy tangible breath; please always reveal Thy Glory to me in the symbols of nature, where by your grace we romp and play. Let us meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may He enlighten our minds.