Assumed to be in heavenly realm
Immaculate queen at cosmic helm
Pours out on all Her flowing grace
That children may Her love embrace
In processions voices sing Her name
And “Ave Maria” they proclaim
Theotokos, Semper Virgo praise
Repeating names our sins erase
Sancta Maria and Star of Sea
For ever more will we be free
In processions voices sing Her name
And “Ave Maria” they proclaim
Reborn throughout the ages past
Motherly goddess of nature vast
Inspires many forms, and epithets
With arms and heads and coronets
So processions voices sing Her name
And “Ave Maria” they proclaim
Mother, I feel your warm presence nurturing me. I feel the breath of your life and the flow of Thy love. I feel your endless forgiveness and am secure in your protective arms. What is there to fear when I feel you near? Nothing, for you are the all.