Turbulent winds assailing ship
Sinking down in hollow dip
If control lost and rocks arise
Expect a vessel’s quick demise
Senses drawn away and caught
Filling voids the mind has brought
Tempted, attracted now attached
By desire is discernment snatched
Now angry frustrated unsatisfied
By happy promises soon denied
Building memories in the mind
Forgets true treasure left behind
If mind were ship, take control
Stay alert though ship may roll
Pleasantly direct straight course
Divine helmsman your resource
Neither attraction nor aversion be
That disturb mind’s tranquillity
(Bhagavad Gita Chapt 2 60 -65)
O Lord, turbulent are the senses and easily led am I. Yet thou art my Divine Helmsman that sends angels to make the crooked paths straight. Infuse my mind with faith and strength so that I may be always in control of your vessel and be an open channel for your grace to flow.