To whole world spread playful joy
Celebrating birth of shepherd boy
Born safely, swiftly carried on
Over river’s flow away from harm
Can prison, slaughter, cruelty rule
Thwart Maya’s play of Divine will?
What child has skin of darker hue
Like endless sky of infinite blue?
But eighth cosmic saving power
Descending at right playful hour
Bewitching deeds high energy pace
Mischief smile on butter stained face
Who is thief that steals my heart?
Cosmic Balancing power thou art
Lord hero, protector, lover, all
Who can resist flute’s sweet call?
Enchanting cow meadows dance
As playmate of our souls’ entrance
On shoulders carry infant dear
Reach pots of yellow butter near
What crown on head will you wear?
Peacock eyed feather in your hair
Let constant presence be not delayed
Let sweet lips meet on bamboo played
But listen to Krishna’s celestial song
Enduring truth of right o’er wrong
O Lord who protects, comforts and teaches, when I am overwhelmed with grief and pain, infuse me with Thy strength, playfulness and love. Let me freely dance in rapture with thee to the tune of thy sweet beauty.