When Krakatoa spilled and spit
Destroying many lives with it
Nature’s wild but balanced way
Quickly took loved ones away
Lava’s pyroclastic flow
Is now rich soil where spices grow
But can you hear the angels weep
As cruel man disturbs their sleep
Insults spat from cursing lips
Bodies bruised from brutal whips
Innocent victims callously torn
From the hearth where they’re born
Neither Christian, Muslim, Jew am I
Not Hindu, Buddhist or Bahai
Humans are born and humans die
For suffering at man’s hands I cry
For widows’ hearts and spilling tears
For those who live with constant fears
Destined to reach same summit height
Should we not help instead of fight?
Should compassion not be guiding light?
Should we not restore our deep insight?
Should we not extend a helping hand
To dispossessed from home and land?
O Lord every act and thought of cruelty is against Thee. Raise our hearts and minds in an age where cultural human values are divine; lift brutality to heights of sweetness and love in me and in all humanity.