Embers glowing red and bright
Warm against cold shadow night
Occasional burst of spark and spit
As coals stirred and new tongue lit
Fuelled flames with mantras fed
Prayers to deities great fire led
Blazing hungry leaping spears
Crackling shots of licking cheers
How dry kindling stick and wood
With friction sparks and breath could
Make nurtured flames with fuel grow
From smoke till infant flame will show?
Dry wood ignites and butter melt
Fire of love’s yearning ignition felt
Seen here with eyes, then centrally
Mind’s pleasant leap - God’s Energy
“O Lord of fire preserve us by burning off our sins. Protect us by providing us with the means for attaining full knowledge. O Resplendent One! We worship thee with sincere yearning. Please burn up our obstacles and make our worship fruitful.” (Mahanarayana Upanishad 1. 54)