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Jun 29, 2020 || Daily Thought & Prayer || Clay Pot

Updated: Apr 11, 2021


Shaped at potter’s wheel are we

Hand crafted for identity

Laid out to dry and sun to bake

Trampled ones will surely break

Pieces lying cracked and brittle

Potter signs off their dismissal

But softer clay that lost its form

Can be remoulded and reborn

Who are you? Ask the clay

Reborn again and here today

It answers proudly “I am pot”

But shifting form shows it’s not

If truth be known then it must say

I am forever substance clay


O Lord I am happy to be lovingly molded by you, discarded or used, free or newly shaped as long as it is at your hands; but in meditation depths I feel oneness. You guided me to this through every adventure. Now I offer surging tears of joy and thankfulness.

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