On eve by sacred blazing fire
Fervent ignited spirits flame
Before Christ’s dawn announce
To imitate Him and renounce
On eve of winter’s crisp cold day
Excited children stockings hang
Amidst pies and pine tree smells
They listen out for reindeer bells
On eve of Christmas presents wrap
Before the clock at midnight strikes
In joyous chimes church bells rung
As silent night yields choirs’ song
On eve of blessed Christ Mass
Goodwill and blessings on earth fill
Let every soldier’s war now cease
Let every mind now be at peace
O Lord in anticipation I listen, watch and wait – preparing my mind for Thee to dwell. Foolishly thinking that you have not come in a dark night of the soul; but Thy voice has told me that you never left, only my attention wandered away distractedly. I ask not for personal ecstasy, but knowledge where I see thee everywhere.