Wind, waves together land
Exhale fade in rhythmic sound
Sweeping grains of blown sand
Some settle - others skip around
Grains exfoliate race and chase
Exhilarate in breath’s suspense
Accepting wind’s caress on face
Embraced in moments felt intense
Trickle through five fingers fold
Searching grains in hollow hand
What stories do these granules hold?
Life’s answer found in a grain of sand
When I trace one grain’s story
I find God’s graces and His glory
O Lord thou art fully present in one small grain. Let me be not careless in missing Thy glory because my attention is inverted anxiously. For I am Thy grain of sand. Send me where Thy will. My joy is to be swept up by Thee. Thy fullness can be traced back to Thee who manifests everything. Praise and thanks to Thee.