Knock and the door will open
Seek and you will find at last
Wrapped delivery unbroken
Ordered by the thoughts of past
Even though you suffer much
From deeds before this time
Angry blame elsewhere for such
Compounds the pain from crime
Empty instead tears of heart
Put aside this hollow pride
Poured grace filling every part
This will be unwavering guide
Bear sorrows smiling stoically
What is not cured is endured
Wounds gifts in God’s company
Precious when in Him secured
O Lord grant me the grace to thankfully accept every gift from Thee that arrives at Thy pace and in Thy time. Grant me the insight to recognize these gifts in every form of people, places, events and circumstances, joys and sorrows. I am Thy instrument. I have no right to complain about how you use me. I do not shy away from pain and I offer myself completely.