Hare darting swiftly on its paws
From eagle’s eye and rending claws
Has legal right while on the run
On request be granted asylum
Zeus himself sets guarantees
Of shelter for the one who flees
Pleading safety desperately
From hillside beetle did agree
Eagle’s arrogance disregards
For he is royal mount of Zeus
Ignoring divine laws to ensnare
And with disdain tore at the hare
Justice wins from strengths
Beetles go to great lengths
To challenge mighty eagle’s crest
Destroying eggs unhatched in nest
No matter how high eagle goes
There beetle climbs and eggs dispose
Zeus himself could not protect
The eagle mount he did select
When eagle round his head flies
King of gods leapt in surprise
Mighty bird so proud and tall
Saw all the eggs allowed to fall
This tale of old has long been sung
Of humble beetle rolling dung
Purity patience and steady pace
Dispels the myth of life as race
Resourceful use of given skills
Transforms waste to goodness fills
O Lord Thy resources are plentiful and enough to transform discord into harmony. Let me not suffer from impatience or tarnish my soul with pride and greed. Grant me purity of mind, patience of trust and the perseverance to overcome.