Mountains strong unmoving calm
Still waters running deep
These traits belong to special one
Unmoved who bears a burden great
Nature’s winds, and rainy storms
Can disaster bring to homes
But one born with unfaltering faith
Stays firm to taste year’s seasonings
Vision of God in flesh and blood
Moves heart and hands to serve
Keen intellect and writing skills
Transports us to a master’s world
Build and sit in mother’s house
Protect her with your very life
Message send to world as whole
Divinity sought is in your soul
Such a saintly one as this
Of steady wisdom, faith and love
Gold treasure to follow and find
To guide the fabric of mankind
O Lord grant me the continued grace to imitate Thy beacon lights that are lit from Thy burning flame. Grant me that peace that passeth all understanding, and equanimity fed by absolute faith in Thee.