Painting by Swami Nihsreyasanandaji
Guiding light of Shiva shine
Monk and leader role enshrine
In whose hand raised up to bless
Serenely held in storms and stress
Great souls who visit us are rare
For praise or blame they do not care
Raised at the lotus feet of Master
Urge and surge will increase faster
From great hardships to service acts
From man’s frame full Divine exacts
Through love as broad as heart can be
While mind acquaints with samadhi
To one whose glorious chapters write
The way to live and increase height
Like snow clad mountain tops inspire
To climb up more - then even higher
O Lord how can I ever express sufficient thanks for Thy infinite grace? Grant that I may emulate the very highest ideal lives and reflect at least a little of them myself. Grant me the courage of a lion, good humor of a player, the wisdom of the sages and compassion of the self-sacrificing.