With hearty thoughts, staff and pack
There is nothing in life that we lack
Set out on well-worn pilgrims way
Before the sun bakes earth this day
Wild grass, lavender, summer flowers
Fill senses, mind and morning hours
Lift soul with hymns learnt long ago
In the footsteps Camino de Santiago
Over rough terrain and many miles
With tender feet, and vanishing smiles
Limping on blistery, swollen feet
Rest house sought and food to eat
Should we surrender firm resolve?
Should we forget how we evolve?
The way is tough with many a bruise
But heal the wounds, wear better shoes
We are equipped for journey’s end
Joy and sorrow to transcend
I am the Way says Word with crown
Goal’s symbol is cathedral town
O Lord you are the way, the truth and the light. At times I am overwhelmed by obstacles, but your grace shows the way, your truth dissolves the false and your light gives joy.