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Jul 12, 2020 || Daily Thought & Prayer

Updated: Apr 10, 2021


Transparent waters exquisite

Blue sky unblemished infinite

Let mind be pure as these two

And clearly see the Self as true

Spider building web homespun

Labouring to finish what it begun

Let mind persist against all odds

To conquer nature and her gods

For hours lions stalk their prey

Plans and patience must obey

Let mind allow God to take hold

That in His time he will unfold

Be pure as white, persist to end

Patiently coax the mind as friend

Revelation, clarity and conquest,

Replaces fear with peace and rest


O Lord, I am impatient and restless; I find no peace in things; no satisfaction in guilt. Grant me Purity, Perseverance and Patience that you reveal yourself in your own time – at your own pace.

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