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Jun 1, 2020 || Daily Thought & Prayer

Updated: Apr 11, 2021


Glistening snow-capped crests,

Floating on a clear blue sky

Standing there from ancient day

What sacred teachings you convey?

Sharp crystal air refreshing face

Messages sent from Vedic race

Noble heights stay far beyond

Things of which we are so fond

To meditate on peaks pure white

Yogis’ minds gain deep insight

Fixed like mountain seated still

Gaining strength, resolve and will

These, not just cold and solid blocks

Or pushed up heaving icy rocks

Great Lord of Yoga seated there

With indrawn eyes and flowing hair

The earth itself he made His seat

Meadows and foothills for His feet

His tresses long are valleys steep

So snow can thaw to rivers deep


O Lord uplift our minds and hold us there. Make our thoughts noble and lofty. May our inner tranquility beam your glory to all like You as the grand and beautiful Himalayan mountains.

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