Mere ripples in space time
Beginning how we know not
Meanders like a summer dream
Darting out from cosmic beam
Birth and death but relocations
In circles with no boundary
Like pausing comma marks in text
Anticipating what comes next
Sorrowful tears in tearing grief
Tugs at hearts who fail to know
That pilgrim journeys never cease
For dying souls in death is peace
Embrace all who suffer pangs
For compassion is in short supply
Feelings of loss we can’t deny
Look further still with inner eye
Penetrate deep down behind
The city and the mask well worn
There in kingdom you will see
The one adored with bended knee
O unborn one whose consciousness is not flickering. Permanently residing as if in a circle whose boundary is nowhere, but whose centre is everywhere. Fill me with thy divine love and understanding that I may accept thy glory in through and as Thy timely seasonal cycles of birth, life and death.