Shining speech and eloquence
Poured from flowing affluence
Reclining on a lotus white
Music strings play for delight
From crimson cusp of hands pour
Crystal blessings asked before
Shriving bells aloud will ring
Of forty days before the spring
Feast on rich pancake batter
In Shrovetide make a little fatter
Be sure to share with the poor
Before the austere fast endure
Then lively spring bring forth
Flowers clothed in yellow cloth
Knowledge, art and music flow
Speech, thought - things to know
Thanks transfixed from grace make
From mixed thought a good pancake
O awakening one, I resolve to prepare a pure receptive mind that I may live in Thy nature’s resurrected glory. Be ever my companion and encouraging voice of truth to prepare the way and make the crooked paths straight. Ever flowing provider of thought, wisdom, art and beauty – incomparable flowing river – all glory and honour to Thee. All glory and honour to Thee.