Where women are respected
There the very gods delight
And where they are enslaved
Work’s efforts come to naught
Trampling women, grinding poor
These great evils still remain
With children victims in man’s war
Their dignity we must regain
Rising progress of nation follow
By treatment of its feminine
Advance in science and art hollow
If it reveres not this Divine
In conscience who can rest content
When bias seen in gender crude
Dragged down in cruelty’s descent
As Atman unseen in habitude
Celebrate divinity’s womanhood
Strong and tender unlike another
Potent energy flows throughout
Fortress protector, sister and mother.
O Mother, may I see, feel and celebrate thy manifested glory in every being. Let no one subordinate another in evil callousness in thought, word or deed. May we restore the ancient ideals of equality on the basis of inherent freedom, dignity and love.