Who shelters you from father’s wrath?
Who guides you down a thorny path?
Who nurtures, giving nature’s all?
Who picks you up when you fall?
Who worries when a teen is late?
Who stands and waits at door and gate?
Who ensures good food that you ate?
Who serves with love and washes plate?
Who teaches you upon her knee?
Who shows you all there is to see?
Who listens when your heart is sore?
Who comforts you in trials you bore?
Who nursed you through a fever’s fight?
Who bathed your brow throughout the night?
Who held you closer than no other?
Who can surpass the love of mother?
O Divine Mother, I am happy to be protected and carried by Thee; who else can I turn to? Please give me the gift of gratitude and surrender, but most of all unconditional love.