Coloured glass split light collect
Flickering lamps shadows reflect
Walls with carvings etched inlaid
These sacred spaces man has made
Stone solstice solid giants stand
Distant spires on highest land
Lift soaring mind to noble heights
Inspiring us to rapturous flights
For years on end on sacred soil
For God’s glory, workers toil
Their skills applied for no reward
Creating space to praise the Lord
Curved arches, domes, calligraphy
In timber, glass, and masonry
Leaf of gold and marble walls
Decorate pillars in temple halls
Pilgrims from far look up in awe
And gaze around to see much more
From hands and muscles, lofty dreams
Came sanctuaries under timber beams
O Lord, thank you for manifesting Your energy in so many wonderful ways. May I be content to be Your willing and uncomplaining instrument for Your glory and through this to inspire others.