Silky wings that kiss the air
Then folded up as if in prayer.
Flirting, flitting before my eyes.
Beauty displayed as butterflies.
Unconscious of their magic spell
Like fairy folk that legends tell
Exotic colours from artist’s brush
Greet summer flowers and every bush.
Nature’s butterflies to me disclose,
Her secret messages that She chose.
Departed loved ones make it clear.
“I’m not gone far, I am here and near”
Arising from aerial courtship dance.
Larvae born from eggs on plants.
From munching leaf to chrysalis weave
New self to emerge and the old one leave.
Reflecting on Mother Nature’s play
Will chase all fears and doubts away.
O Lord, I do not thank you enough for drawing my attention to your signs and beautiful presentations. May I see Your beauty and messages posted in Your displays of love.