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May 8, 2023 || Daily Thought & Prayer


If Ego told it’s tale of how it came to be

Playing wavy game with others in the sea

This unfolding story it might relate

Of its origins, life and timely fate

In the beginning pure Consciousness I

Vast, without limit like formless sky

As ocean infinite, profoundly deep

Pure Bliss was I, like peaceful sleep

Then small wave arose and curled

For camp, as functions unfurled

“I am camp manager”, it declared

Pride swelled in it and plans prepared

It felt separate and made a pretence

For none to prevail and break its defence

Respect was lost, compassion denied

Its urge to live was fuelled by pride

If Ego told it’s tale of how it came to be

Frolicking in the foam of a wavy sea

In truth declares wave is One and Divine

Many waves will arise but the Ocean’s sublime


O Lord, my heart swells with joy when I feel Your being and Your play; but often times I forget and think I am separated from Thee. Please grant me the grace of constant remembrance.

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