Streaks of solid, liquid, gas
Beauty strange as they amass
Coloured shadows fascinate
Debris of frenzy steps collate
Wildly sway around her neck
Aftermath destruction’s wreck
Counting beats upon the head
Rhythms of the skulls of dead
Flowing hair trails like the wind
Of time against space bare skinned
Changing scenes of birth and life
Belies the sharpness of death’s knife
With hands on eyes – a peeking game
And Mother’s children do the same
They ask “O mother where art thou?”
“I am here, I am love and I am now”
Ahh, Mother, there you are, and in a moment gone. The darkness is only Thy play of hide and seek. Renew Thy playful game. I have no fear as long as you are nearer than breathing. You nurture me always and keep me close, even when I wander off and forget thee. Come to me quickly when I cry!
Ahh, a Mháthair, tá tú ann, agus faoi láthair imithe. Níl sa dorchadas ach do shúgradh ceilte agus cuardaigh. Athnuaigh do chluiche spraíúil. Níl aon eagla orm chomh fada agus atá tú níos gaire ná análaithe. Cothaíonn tú mé i gcónaí agus coinníonn tú gar dom, fiú nuair a théann mé ar seachrán agus mé ag déanamh dearmad ort. Tar chugam go tapa agus mé ag caoineadh!