Pitch black dark in void lay
A single sliver golden ray
Spreading out sea infinite
Displacing void where it lit
Crystallised Mother’s shape
Mounted on a tiger striped
Birth she gives in unique style
By lighting with a silent smile
Her smile in sun’s deep core
Sustains earth that she bore
Life abundant, carpets green
Culminates in human gene
Spread warm power of smiles
World with these curves beguiles
Smile when others wear a frown
A smile will turn them upside down
A Mháthair, tá m'anam ar bís agus faoi bhrón le do aoibh gháire cruthaitheach. Téiteann sé mé nuair a bhíonn mé fuar, agus déanann do bheannacht lámh mo chosaint agus a chothú. Is minic a bhíonn mé gan trácht ar do chumhacht agus ar do ghrá. Deonaigh go bhféadfainn do aoibh gháire chiúin a mhacalla go deo.
O Mother, my soul is elated and bewitched by Thy creative smile. It warms me when I am cold, and Thy blessing hand protects and sustains me. So often I am oblivious to Thy power and love. Grant that I may ever echo Thy silent smile.