Contentment is not a peak
That comes in fits and bursts
Steady flame, warmth of glow
Emits a smile where ‘ere you go
When fuel is added unaware
Flame can leap, dance and flare
Rapture’s sudden upward highs
Are due when sacred words arise
To contemplate on He alone
To feast on great nectar’s joy
To call Him in intimate ways
To raise a song of hearty praise
All these serve to safely guard
Against the influx worldly tales
That enter openings like thieves
And steal away what heart believes
O Lord light Thy burning flame of devotion; my heart yearns to be lit; let the fuel be Thy sacred name, the air be Thy songs of praise; the warmth be Thy glory; may my lips deliver sweet and intimate words; may my eyes be fixed on Thee and only turn away to make loving glances to Thee.