On eleventh day remember
In special month September
Events that inspire and shock
Via past relentless ticking clock
Towers built of glass and steel
Can crumble in a scene surreal
In cultural hall a bell can toll
Not to mourn but peaceful call
Both memories leave legacy
Mixed aspects of humanity
Destruction’s scorched depravity
Parliament convened for harmony
The hope is crystal clear as bell
Holiness purity, charity as well
Are not owned by sect or church
But those who in earnest search
On banner bold message deploy
Help, assimilate not fight, destroy.
Harmony and peace to rule the day
And no dissension, come what may!
O Lord protect me from my pride of culture, race, creed and status. May I merely be Thy simple child. Enrich my soul with a love for Thee that increases and excludes none. Make me a pliable vessel filled with understanding, compassion and love.