From Cosmic Mind a single word
Issued from pure silence held
Expanded to sound of tremors heard
Crystallised as familiar world
Felt by probes and heard by ears
Warning sounds protection learned
Reacting out of hopes and fears
Survival of rewards well earned
Vocal chords honed resonate
Helping teams for common good
From the sea and land, they ate
In community and neighbourhood
Created cosmic birth from word
Arrived as speech in vocal chord
Can slash like a sharpened sword
And cause confusion, pain, discord
Polite truthful, pleasant speech
That elevates and brightens mind
Reciting words the wise will teach
Delivers sweetness to mankind
O Lord may my speech be sweet, kind and all loving. May my thoughts and words be positive and joyful. Let my lips convey glory not sorrow, spreading smiles. May I not engage in trivial conversation, but may my words be used to uplift and encourage others.