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  • deepakajwani

Sep 23, 2024 || Daily Thought & Prayer


On this day, a saint revered

Whose wounds were gifts from above

In hands and feet, the blood appeared

His heart aligned to Saviour’s love

In humble rural settings born

With sacred holy life desired

Lifted his mind for habit worn

Of fraternal life and care required

Accepted not just as act of will

Despite the sufferings bodily

But to share beloved’s Calvary hill

Offering relief to all so readily

With insight guiding multitudes

In communion lost in ecstasy

Immersed in profound beatitudes

His light still shines as legacy


O Lord I accept suffering as your special gift that arouses compassion and selflessness in me. Grant that I may accept it with forbearance, not just as an act of will, but as an act of love for others.

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