What is peace? Who can say?
Felt in desire-less dark of sleep
Or sank in chair from busy day
Mind hankers for such state to keep
Ideal of world peace campaigned
With ravaged world in tatters hang
While leaders should be arraigned
Talks of talks as new wars sprang
Peace of mind is not for those
Who look for faults and criticise
Correct own faults that arose
Before you condemn and ostracise
Look closely now and you will find
With love and generous will to share
Like air filling vessels of every kind
Divine peace pervading everywhere
Unless we make the world our own
Unless we find our peace at home
Enduring peace will thus elude
Unless we change our attitude
(inspired by Sri Sarada Devi – Holy Mother)
O Lord of Peace in Thy presence we have a peace that passes all understanding. Desires easily rob us of it. Lord I only desire Thee. May that peace descend and flow though all and transform our hearts to pure and non-demanding love.