From simple zygote cell
Organism’s functions grow
Mystery in rare package tell
Of secrets that away did stow
Network cells with lively pulse
Unbeknown to creatures aware
Cellular impulse - attract repulse
Strategic survival desire and fear
Long stories of the past emerge
Unfolding buds new life installs
Driven by gut’s crying urge
Pulled by God’s beckoning calls
Now freedom’s air full enjoyed
Struggling gasps left far behind
Directed energy well deployed
Brilliant star of humankind
The funeral’s solemn toll of bells
Respect something more revealed
Genius not in corporeal cells
But from universe’s deepest field
What a wonder and miracle that a single cell can contain within it all the possibilities of life. If I have not noticed it Lord, forgive my crime. My eyes are open and you are seen and felt in every cell – everywhere in every life.