From hidden nestled bed of reed
Cygnets are born and swans breed
Mind can easily be made to glide
From watery scene to countryside
Grand giant trees that reach for sky
That holds the drops for their supply
Deep spread roots that suck and draw
For leafy arms that shade ground floor
From giver sun to deep dark mass
Where hints of light dot black canvas
Thoughts’ impelled by grace impulse
And soon you’ll feel the cosmic pulse
Mind’s flowing current easily glides
From scene to scene as your tour guides
Till words and pictures fade and cease
Passed understanding’s outline of peace
Perfect still and quiet, beauty its core
Like unfathomed waters clear and pure
Nothing stirs once only one is alone
Union of knowledge, knower known
O Lord I meditate on Thee in your glorious ways and avenues that lead to your inexpressible and intimate silent joy. Make me your shower piece of joy to share with the world.