Born from slave’s free destiny
She offered heart so willingly
That the poor did well avail
Calling her their Muire na nGael
Precious father’s sword she gave
For from hunger poor man save
Wherever Brigid’s tokens travel
Woven cross resolves the quarrel
Abbey and church in Kildare
As mother, she presided there
Leading men and women both
Inspiring spring from winter’s sloth
Saint Brigid’s miracles and stories
Regaled with accounts of glories
Ignites hope in desperate times
Raising spirits, hearts and minds
O Lord, thy miracles and wonders are everywhere, but I am blind to them caught up as I am in my selfish cocoon. Many want Thy rewards, but few want to bear even a small cross. Many want to join the feast, but few want to share the fast. Grant that I may be with thee and thee with me, pleased with each other’s company through every joy and vicissitude.