Thumbs press hard upon the ear
Rushing gush of blood, you hear
In desert space, eerie silent land
Whistle sound of winds on sand
As long as there is air and ear
Sound vibrations will be near
Chinking spoon on china plate
Makes ear drums reverberate
Cymbals, bells and timely beat
Enough to move the dancing feet
Some orchestras assembled from
Water falls when taps turned on
Energy in fields dance around
Tuned to frequency are found
Undulating peak and pitch
Harnessed by electric switch
Attention fixed on invisible source
Like radio tuned to wave broadcast
Right here receive the grace on air
Birth, death, rebirth arise not there
O Lord, while your subtle vibrations are everywhere and everything, I am soaked in ignorance and oblivious to you. Awaken me to your abundant grace that is here. Dry my silly tears that I may tune my mind to Thee.