Wander barefoot torn forlorn
Spirit lagging, beaten worn
Fourteen years away from home
Once a king, now pilgrim roam
Snatched by evil greed and lust
Re-joining her, footsteps thrust.
Gracefully found in forest hills
Strong resolve to conquer ills
Assemble all your forces strong
Forged arrows to right the wrong
Fire and fury vent on that which
Stops the sacred union’s kiss.
When all is done for all of man
Ayodhya’s home is Sita-Ram
Back to realm and state of king.
Lighted lamps and let us sing
Jaya Ram, Jaya Sita, Jaya Sita-Ram! (1993)
O Lord I am suffering from pangs of separation from Thee. Remove all traces of impurity that I may rejoin Thee as one. Light the lamps of hearts throughout the world so that truth, joy and goodness reign and sorrows all depart.